Alright it is prediction time. I have thought now for the longest time that Obama was going to win this thing by a pretty good margin. I am skeptical of the whole voting system as I think it is BS and that we live in a false sense of being really free. Part of me feels that a lot this is rigged and that the people who are really in control know the American people might revolt and organize if they continue to throw total douche bags at us. I think they have to give this one to us. Now that I got that out of the way if I do believe in all this BS I think Obama is going to kill it today. Here are my predictions:
Obama 54%:
Mccain: 44- 45%
Other: 1-2%
Obama: 315 - 320
Mccain: whatever the rest is
Now since I know Obama is going to kill it here in NY If I do go and vote here in a minute I am going to pull the lever for green or independent candidates. This two party bull shit has got to stop. It makes me sick. It is really not fair at all but we won't get into all that. Oh and one more thing. FUCK The MEDIA. I want to destroy them all. We never hear anything about anything else besides this fucking election. There is so much going on in the world, in science and technology. Let's make a good news station and make a division of police that look for good deeds instead of going around and ticketing people and breaking the own rules they enforce. Alright now that I got that off my chest I am going to go vote. I think
oh and in case you didn't see this already...the dance off